Experience Immune System Boosting and Optimized Wellness with Simple Hyperthermic Conditioning

Experience Immune System Boosting and Optimized Wellness with Simple Hyperthermic Conditioning

Now that cold and flu season is upon us, the idea of being able to “boost” your immune system becomes especially attractive. Our immune system generally does a remarkable job of defending us against viruses and disease-causing microorganisms – but sometimes, it fails. A virus or germ invades us and makes us sick. Is it possible to somehow intervene and boost your immune system?

The idea of being able to boost our immunity is exciting; but in most cases, the ability to do so has proved intangible for several reasons. The immune system is precisely that: a system, not a single entity. To function well, the immune system needs whole-body balance and harmony, which requires natural holistic metabolic stimulation – which is elusive when using powerful, singular drugs.

Hippocrates, the founder of Western medicine, reportedly said more than 2,500 years ago: “Give me the power to create a fever, and I shall cure any disease.” Raising of the core whole-body temperature and use of heat to stimulate the metabolism has become an effective holistic method for boosting the immune system to prevent or fight off illnesses.

In recent years, scientists have found more evidence confirming that elevated core body temperature can help empower immune cells to work better (November 2011, Journal of Leukocyte Biology). “An increase in body temperature has been known since ancient times to be associated with infection and inflammation,” said Elizabeth A. Repasky, Ph.D., Department of Immunology at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute, New York. “Since the fever response is highly conserved in nature (even cold-blooded animals move to warm places when they become ill), it’s important that immunologists devote more attention to this interesting response.”

Today, researchers are confirming Hippocrates’ theory that a body fever is part of a natural and effective immune response. There is substantial evidence to support increases of 2-8°F in core body temperature, by fever, are associated with improved survival and resolution of many infections. For example, studies have shown that the use of antipyretic drugs that diminish fever, actually correlates with a 5 percent increase in mortality in human populations infected with influenza virus, and negatively hurts patient outcomes in the intensive care unit.

Wellness conditioning includes regularly raising the core body temperature 1.5-3.5° F, to stimulate and keep the immune system strong and healthy. In general, 2-3 conditioning sessions per week are very beneficial to health.

The ability to boost the immune system is most important for seniors, because the aging process generally leads to a weakening of the metabolism and reduction of the immune response capability. A weakened immune system contributes to more infections and more inflammatory diseases.

As life expectancy in the U.S. has increased, so too has the incidence of age-related conditions. The conclusion of many recent studies is that, compared with younger people, an older person is more likely to contract infectious diseases and die from them. Why? Because age slows our metabolism and reduces biochemistry outputs and reserves for a less effective immune system. Respiratory infections, influenza and pneumonia are leading causes of death in people over 65 worldwide.

Regardless of your age, young or old, you will enhance your health and optimize your body and mind wellness by boosting your immune system several times per week with a multi-Thermo-fusion POD, sauna, steam POD or other method of raising your core temperature with soothing heat to take advantage of the great discovery made by Hippocrates over 2,500 years ago.

Hippocrates, the founder of Western medicine, reportedly said more than 2,500 years ago: “Give me the power to create a fever, and I shall cure any disease.”

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